Humans like to claim sole credit for their achievements; many times you see phrases like 'he is a self-made millionaire' , 'she built this business all by herself'. We don't really like to attribute our success or accomplishments to someone else.
Same thing with the subject of influence; we almost always want to claim original knowledge or thought and to shove aside any idea that what we claim to know and believe is in fact a result of an external influence.
We are all products of one influence or the other. You may claim to not believe in God and that you are in fact not a religious person; the fact remains that believing God doesn't exist, is a religion itself because you believe something and you are ready to prove that what you believe is true. You are influenced by someone or something anti-God; trust me you are not acting on your own. You have to know this!
God does exist and if you want proof, just look around. Look at the trees, look at the birds, the oceans, the sun, the moon and stars, look at how babies grow, look at yourself. Do you really think you just came to existence, bam! Just like that? There has to be an intelligent mind behind creation. God is that intelligent designer and he seeks a vital relationship with you; he wants you to be fully aware of him so much so that he was willing to become a human at a particular point in history. Jesus is the very God becoming a man so that every human can know and be fully aware of God. Perfect and flawless. The supreme one!
Blessings to you!
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